The benefits are many and on various different levels. A good massage will affect you in the obvious physical way, effecting your skin, muscles, joints etc; but also in a spiritual way (Whether you believe it or not), and will also mentally relax you, ideal for anxiety issues. The list I have made below is the medical way in which massage will benefit you, but it will also help you sleep better if you find it hard to sleep, it is a natural anti-depressant, it can make you feel and look younger. Having your colon massaged can help with constipation, by making you more regular due to returning the equilibrium to your energy flow.
But most importantly, it is a time you can dedicate totally and utterly to yourself. And this is not selfish, it is sensible.
'Touch was never meant to be a luxury. It is a basic human need. It is an action that validates life and gives hope to both the receiver and the giver The healing of touch is reciprocal.'